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Medical Donations

Key core principles for good medical product donation

  • Donations should benefit the recipient and meet the needs of the end-users and patient.
  • Recipients should be engaged in all stages of the donation process in order to enable effective coordination and collaboration between the donor and the recipient.
  • Donations should be given with due respect for the wishes and authority of the recipient, and in conformity with the government policies, regulatory requirements and administrative arrangements of the recipient country.

Quick checklist for donors

  • The needs of the recipient guide the donation.
  • Laws, regulations and administrative procedures are respected.
  • The national guidelines on donation practices are followed.
  • A plan has been agreed with the recipient country.
  • Management of disposal of expired or unused products should be agreed in advance.

Quick checklist for recipients

  • A national donation policy is formulated.
  • Needs are specified
  • Responsibility is assigned for allowing entry of useful donations or rejection of unsuitable donations.
  • A registry for recording data on donations is established.
  • Mechanisms for adequate handling of donations are in place.


Polio Eradication Initiative

24th October, 2016 Global

World Polio Day: WHO and UNICEF call for no complacency and increased access in last push to eradicate polio